- hertug
- [hcufu]
-en, -er, -erne
Danish-russian dictionary. 2013.
Danish-russian dictionary. 2013.
hertug — her|tug sb., en, er, erne … Dansk ordbog
Norwegian noble titles — include the titles of the ancient aristocracy before the Unification of Norway and the titles of the institutionalised nobility of medieval and modern times. There have existed several different sets of titles, and also the function and the… … Wikipedia
Johann II. (Schleswig-Holstein-Hadersleben) — Johann (Hans) der Ältere (* 29. Juni 1521 in Hadersleben; † 1. Oktober 1580 in Hadersleben) war der einzige Herzog von Schleswig Holstein Hadersleben. Die Bezeichnung der Ältere führt er zur Unterscheidung von seinem Neffen Johann dem Jüngeren,… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Royal and noble ranks — Emperor Empress King Queen Viceroy Vicereine … Wikipedia
Danish nobility — Cover of Danmarks Adels Aarbog (Yearbook of the Danish Nobility) Nobility in Denmark was a leading social class until the 19th or 20th century. Danish nobility exists yet and has a recognized status in Denmark, a monarchy, but its real privileges … Wikipedia
Earl — was the Anglo Saxon form and jarl the Scandinavian form of a title meaning chieftain and referring especially to chieftains set to rule a territory in a king s stead. In Scandinavia, it became obsolete in the Middle Ages and was replaced with… … Wikipedia
Norwegian nobility — are persons and families who in early times belonged to the supreme social, political, and military class and who later were members of the institutionalised nobility in the Kingdom of Norway. It has its historical roots in the group of… … Wikipedia
Equivalents of Duke in other European languages — Many languages have equivalents of Duke. The second term is the female form, meaning duchess Celtic languages *Irish Diúc /Bandiúc *Scottish Gaelic Diùc/Ban diùc *Welsh Duc/Duces or Dug/DugesGermanic languages*Afrikaans Hertog /Hertogin *Danish… … Wikipedia
Herzog (name) — Herzog is a German title of nobility, equivalent to Latin dux , English duke , Danish hertug , Afrikaans Hertog , Dutch Hertog , Icelandic Hertogi , Luxemburgish Herzog , Norwegian Hertug , Swedish Hertig . Originally it was a title of elected… … Wikipedia
Christian F. Sander — Christian Levin Sander, auch Levin (Laevinus) Christian Sander, Christian Friedrich Sander (* 13. November 1756 in Itzehoe; † 29. Juli 1819 in Kopenhagen) war ein deutscher und dänischer Dichter und Pädagoge. Anfänglich veröffentlichte er… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Christian Friedrich Sander — Christian Levin Sander, auch Levin (Laevinus) Christian Sander, Christian Friedrich Sander (* 13. November 1756 in Itzehoe; † 29. Juli 1819 in Kopenhagen) war ein deutscher und dänischer Dichter und Pädagoge. Anfänglich veröffentlichte er… … Deutsch Wikipedia